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Università degli Studi di Genova

The Università degli Studi di Genova (UniGe) was founded in 1933 by means of Regio Decreto n. 1592 but its history can be traced back to the 14th century. UniGe is a public institution provided with scientific, educational, organizational and financial autonomy and it is involved in the building of a European area for research and advanced professional training. It operates in accordance with the principles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic and of Magna Charta subscribed by European Universities in 1988. The Center for Research and Cure of Multiple Sclerosis (where approximately 2,000 patients with multiple sclerosis are followed) and the Neuroimmunology Lab are part of the Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Riabilitazione, Oftalmologia, Genetica e Scienze Materno-Infantili (DINOGMI), University of Genoa. The Neuroimmunology Lab focuses on research in multiplesclerosis and other neurological diseases associated with neuroinflammation.

Role within 3TR

UniGe will recruit patients with multiple sclerosis, providing samples and data for the longitudinal Studies. More specifically, UniGe will participate very actively in WP2 (“Quality Control and Ethics”), and WP6 involving the recruitment of patients and collection of data and samples. Expertise in MS is provided by Antonio Uccelli, MD, Full Professor of Neurology, Director of the Center for Research and Cure of Multiple Sclerosis of the University of Genoa, with a long-standing career in the neuroimmunology of neurodegenerative diseases, more specifically multiple sclerosis; Matilde Inglese, MD, PhD. Associate Professor of Neurology, highly recognized expert in the field of neuroimaging; Alice Laroni, MD, PhD. Assistant Professor of Neurology, specialized in MS; Matteo Pardini, MD, PhD. Assistant Professor of Neurology, specialized in neuroradiology and cognitive neurology; Nicole Kerlero de Rosbo, PhD, with a long-lasting experience in the neuroimmunology of MS and its animal model.